Thank you to everyone for taking one or more of my workshops

in Watertown, WI, Elm Grove, WI, Brookfield, WI and Sarasota, FL! 

All workshops are presented online.

Watch for upcoming workshop dates.

Animal Reiki Workshop

Learn how to create the “Reiki Bubble” of loving energy to surround your animal friend within a healing environment on their terms.  This workshop honors the collective animal kingdom by respecting all living beings, and complements previous Reiki classes. Animal Reiki provides a deeper understanding of how to approach a variety of animal species through subtle energy techniques. 

*Reiki I Certification required.

Animal Communication Workshop

Learn how to use specific meditative techniques to create a bridge of communication between you and your pet.  Using photographs of your animal with their eyes open, we’ll practice how to develop intuition, discern information, and understand animals on a spiritual level.  This is a fun and informative workshop, all skill levels are welcome.

Animals are naturally telepathic, in fact this is how they communicate. Through decades of domestication, animals have had to adapt to living with humans, and in turn, have become important family members.  Because of this, our pets offer unique opportunities for helping us to achieve greater spiritual awareness simply be being in their presence.

Every pet comes into your life when you need them to the most.  Many examples of animals helping people, exist throughout history, but nothing’s more important than how animals assist us in opening our Heart Chakra.

It is through compassion we evolve spiritually, and animals help us to do this.  Animal Intuition not only offers your pet the opportunity to speak, but it also increases your awareness of how to be a better caretaker, companion, and friend.

Animal spirit helper workshop

Animal Spirit Helpers align us with our Highest Self by integrating the qualities of their essence through journeying.  Our Animal Spirit Helper sees what potential we have, and helps us with personal, or professional goals, love relationship issues, or the relationship with one’s self.  Animal Spirit Helpers are the keepers of wisdom closest to earth, and guide us through the terrain of worlds unseen. No special skills or previous experience needed to attend this fun and interactive workshop.

Earth Wisdom Workshop

Learn how to recognize the oracles of nature within Earth Wisdom, and how it applies to your daily life.  We’ll discuss shamanic philosophy and learn techniques to better connect with our animal totems, spirit guides, and nature spirits.  Helpful meditations will be offered while discussing ways to improve the collective consciousness of the planet.

Earth Wisdom is the subtle language of nature, and speaks to us through the whispers of the leaves, clouds floating quietly by, and the energy of the land.  Tuning into this energy is a way to tune into who we are on a deeper level, see things from the perspective of wildlife, and the earth, trees, rocks, and seas.

Meditation 101 Workshop

In this workshop we will learn a variety of meditations, while understanding the art of quieting the busy mind.  For some, meditation is as easy closing your eyes, for others it takes a bit more practice to receive the relaxation benefits without falling asleep.

Learn how intention, visualization, and music can enhance your personal meditative practice.  It does not take long to begin to notice that the stillness of the mind craves attention, and falling into a meditative state becomes easier as your practice becomes more routine.

Angel Meditation Workshop

Divine Essence is what the Archangels represent.  By invoking the Archangels you are thereby merging their essence with yourself.  Combining Archangel prayers with meditation can enhance the connection to the Universal Life Force Energy, as the seven Archangels correspond to the seven Chakras.  Chakra is Sanskrit meaning “wheel of light,” which are the main energy centers that exist within our Etheric Body (Aura), the blueprint for the physical body.

In this workshop you will learn how to improve the connection between yourself and the angels by invoking the corresponding prayers with specific Chakras.  This is a wonderful way to continue to develop spiritually, and improve meditative abilities within yourself, for your pets, and the planet.

Spiritual Toolbox Workshop

Learn How To:

  • Smudge- Energetically cleansing a space through burning sage and offering intentions for purposeful meditation.
  • Open & Close Sacred Space- To achieve an Energetically Balanced and Blessed Spiritual Space for meditative practice.
  • Use Zen Design Techniques within your home- To bring more positive Chi into your personal space and into your life.
  • Meditate- Enhancing your meditative practice with Intention, Visualization, and Breath Work.
  • Understand Earth Medicine- Connecting with the planet helps us to connect with ourselves.

Chakra Workshop Series

Chakras consist of seven main energy centers, running vertically from the top of our head to the base of our spine. They help us to stay balanced and exist in tandem with the rest of our physical body.  Located within the Aura, Chakras are invisible to the eye yet play a vital role in our overall well-being. Like spinning tops of energetic light, our Chakras resonate with the mental , emotional, and physical aspects of our body.  Learn how balancing the Chakra System can help with stress, achieving goals, and creating more abundance in your life.

This is a 7-week workshop focusing on one Chakra per week.  Week 1: Root, Week 2: Sacral, Week 3: Solar Plexus, Week 4: Heart, Week 5: Throat, Week 6: Third Eye, Week 7: Crown.